Why getting started with Matched ?

Easy joining process
Sign up, wait for a few days to approve your website, and start increasing your Ad revenue.
After you sign up, our sales team directs your application to the technical team to start analyzing your website carefully.
Behind the scenes, many team members are involved, working very hard to deliver you quick updates on your application.
Finally, the evaluation is ready; hoping to be positive and become one of our premium publishers.
You will sign in, discover our friendly-user platform, monitor your Ads revenues, and ask for help if needed.

Exclusive Account Manager
No matter the questions or the improvements you have in mind, your account manager will help you.
Even though we live in the automation age, we still value human interactions_ you know, machines will never replace humans.
No matter how smart modern systems are, they will never be able to compete with human intelligence.
Therefore, we dedicate special effort to provide all of our publishers with human advice.
Note that we do not devalue our machine learning technologies, but we do care to let those technologies be managed by the right persons.
So, you will have a great mix of smart systems and humans to achieve your goals of maximizing your Ads revenue.
Your exclusive account manager will never let you be uncertain or confused; she/he will always be on your side.

Prioritizing your Ad revenue
Get started to earn up to 5 times your current Ads revenue from AdSense.
Who doesn’t want extra money? No one, supposedly!
AdSense is a great Ad network, but it is not the best one for many publishers.
There is always an opportunity to increase your Ads revenue with new practices or Ad networks.
No one can estimate exactly the amount of increase; it depends on many factors on your website.
But we can guarantee you a trial to check how much your Ads revenues will go up.
And we can confidently mention that our premium publishers experience an increase
between 50-200% on average, and many times much more.

No contracts
You will not be committed to any exclusive contracts, you can deactivate your account with zero consequences.
Many people do not like to sign a contract, signing a contract might have legal consequences and endless problems sometimes.
What worse is signing an exclusive contract, this will also prevent you from trying any other Ad networks.
Another reason is that many of our publishers are individuals, and they cannot get involved in a legal process.
So, we decided not to force our publishers to sign a contract with us. And we love it when our publishers voluntarily choose us.

Full-support in multiple languages
You speak English or Arabic, you will get assisted in your preferred language.
The language is the only way to communicate with each other, and we always make sure to deliver our thoughts, instructions or suggestions properly.
We believe that communicating with our publishers, advertisers, or employees in their native language will lead to better communications.
It is not about Arabic and English language only, our team members speak many other languages.
And we are working to localize our website in other languages, so speak to us in any language you prefer, and we will do our best to reply in your preferred language.
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